
Assignment #4 Six minute English

      After our CALL class last week. And also next week, we're gonna facing the giant, I mean our middle exam. So I prefer to choose this one , 'How to prepare for an exam'.
topic http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-160616

     My summary for this Six minute English :
I prefer to choose this one because we're going to facing our middle exam on next week. This dialogue, between Alice and Rob its about 'How to prepare for an exam'. Alice said, we can prepare for an exam with summarising, highlighting or underlining text to help you remember it.But, John Dunlosky, Professor of Psychology at Kent State University said that trying to memorise the material is not enough, because you need to do something with it, for example like making flashcards of critical or important concepts and then testing yourself on them. This is called distributed practice.

1 comment:

  1. Right, this episode offers some study tips.
